Alan Kinsella - Somerton Physiotherapy Clinic

Alan is a qualified Strength and Conditioning Coach who has worked in professional and semi-professional sport since 2001. In 2007 he developed the Strength and Conditioning curriculum for the FAI’s Emerging Talent Programme. He has also worked with individual elite players at both senior and youth levels, planning their training programmes and helping them to develop their physical and athletic capacity for their sport.

Alan played in the League of Ireland for 16 years, is a UEFA ‘A’ qualified coach along with extensive coaching experience at local community and elite level.

In his spare time, Alan practises what he preaches by going to the gym regularly combining resistance training, plyometrics and cardio.

Alan’s primary interest is in preparing the athlete for the demands of their sport. He combines the use of the latest technology and his many years of experience to provide a high quality training platform which enables athletes to enhance their  speed, power and athletic performance on the pitch.

If you would like to increase your SPEED, POWER and ATHLETIC performance on the pitch you can contact the clinic on 019069566 or book online.
