These are some exercises which we use in our clinic to help improve the strength, balance and mobility in people who are currently less active or over 65 years of age. The exercises require no special equipment and are safe for most people to do at home.  Please see video below.



  1. Sit to stand
  2. Standing calf raises
  3. Standing toe raises
  4. Single leg balancing
  5. Step standing
  6. Standing hip abduction
  7. Wall push up
  8. Shoulder press in sitting

You can try doing these exercises twice daily doing each one for around 10-15 repetitions. Some of the exercises might seem easier to do than others. It is very important to remain active to keep yourself fit and healthy, and, also to help prevent falls as you get older. It has also been shown that regular exercise helps improve your mood which is a great benefit!

If you are fitter than most or have done exercise classes before you might like to try some of our online Pilates/Yoga classes.

Should you have any concerns about your ability to do exercise due to a medical condition or any other reason you can get in touch with us at or call us on 0852455600 and we can arrange an online, or over the phone physiotherapy consultation. This allows you to do physiotherapy from the comfort and safety of your home. Having started these sessions in the last few weeks our clients are finding them greatly beneficial and we have already received very positive feedback regarding the format.

Somerton Physiotherapy Clinic has two clinic locations in Dublin 15:
Blanchardstown Village and Castleknock GAA Clubhouse.

To book an appointment call us on T: 0852455600,  Contact us here or you can book online.