Common Skiing Injuries – Physiotherapy in Dublin 15

It is that time of the year again when we dust off our skiing gear and head for the slopes. The popularity of skiing and snowboarding has grown significantly over the past decade despite concerns that these activities are high-risk and can lead to injury.

Snow sport-related injuries can happen to anyone of any age but a recent study shows that the populations at a greater risk of injury include children and adults over the age of 50 (Davey, et al, 2018). Other risk factors include skill level, skiing experience, trail difficulty, and increased Body Mass Index (BMI).

At Somerton Physiotherapy Clinic the most common skiing/snowboarding-related injuries we treat include:

  • Knee: Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) and Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) sprains or tears, Meniscus tears, and bony fractures
  • Head and Neck: concussion and whiplash-type injuries
  • Spinal: neck and lower back fractures
  • Shoulder: Rotator Cuff strains or tears, bony fractures, and shoulder dislocations
  • Wrist and thumb fractures

Studies have reported that almost 60% of all skiing / snowboarding-related injuries affect the lower limbs with half of those being knee injuries involving spraining or tearing the Anterior Cruciate Ligament – ACL (Radak, 2021). These ligaments are at a higher risk due to the force placed on the skier’s knees. Accidents involving bony fractures have reduced but are still an injury affecting mainly beginners, children, and adolescents where a fall on the snow surface was the cause of injury.

skiing accident

The most common time for an injury to occur is usually in the late afternoon when skiers want that one last run on the slopes. At this time, the sun is beginning to set, the temperature is dropping and the snow is getting harder. Your agility, balance, and endurance are not as sharp and muscle fatigue sets in resulting in a higher risk of injury.

After a skiing injury, your emotions are high and you may lose hope of being able to return to the slopes again. You may be lacking in confidence but it is important to seek physiotherapy input quickly so that rehabilitation can commence. Getting a physiotherapy assessment as soon as you can help reduce your recovery period. 

Here at Somerton Physiotherapy, our treatment includes a detailed history of how exactly the injury happened, a full assessment of the area with an explanation of the type of injury you have, hands-on work if needed and an exercise program specifically tailored to your needs. Your rehab program will target those areas needed for skiing such as lower leg strength, stability, endurance, and core strength. Your physiotherapist will work with you to guide you through your entire rehab plan until you are happy and confident and have made a 100% recovery. Our team is skilled in high-impact sports and knows how to get you back on the slopes in no time!

If you have had a skiing accident and need help, visit any of our clinics in Blanchardstown, Castleknock, or Tallaght and one of our experienced Physiotherapists will be happy to help you.

  • Davey, A, Endres, NK, Johnson RJ, and Shealy JE. Alpine Skiing Injuries. Sports Health. 2018;11(1):18-26.
  • Dr. Sam Oussedik. (2022). Preparing for Ski Season: Common Ski Injuries and How to Prevent Them. [Online]. King Edward VII’s Hospital. Last Updated: 5 September 2022. Available at: [Accessed 18 January 2023].
  • Radak, J.T. (January 2021). Skiing-Related Injuries: Who, What, How, When, And a Bit of Prevention. [Online]. Ler Magazine. Last Updated: January 2021. Available at: [Accessed 18 January 2023].
  • Wang, Z, Cai, Y, Wu, J, Xie, S, Jiao, W. (2022). Relationship between Lower Extremity Fitness Levels and Injury Risk among Recreational Alpine Skiers: A Prospective Cohort Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19(1), pp.1-12. 

You can book in to see one of our experienced Physiotherapy in Dublin 15 to get a more individualised assessment and treatment approach? You can now book an appointment at our Blanchardstown Physiotherapy Clinic, our Castleknock Physiotherapy Clinic or our Old Bawn Physiotherapy clinic through our website, email us on or call us on 01 9069566.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions . Follow us on our Facebook page and Instagram for updates.