Physio Led Pilates Classes Dublin 15

Pilates is suitable for everyone no matter what age or body type you are. When people first think of Pilates, they may think they need rock hard abs or be able to lift heavy weights in the gym. Thankfully that’s not true!  You do not need to be anything other than yourself and that is the beauty of Pilates classes.

You can gain results through gentle movements which increase muscle strength and tone, particularly of your abdominal muscles, lower back, hips and glutes. By balancing and enhancing the muscular control of the body, Pilates is therefore an excellent form of rehabilitation and can help to prevent future injuries.

The levels of classes that we offer at Somerton Physiotherapy range from beginner, intermediate and advanced. Even if you’ve never done Pilates before or you’re a pro, we have classes to suit everyone!  We also offer One to One Pilates Sessions at our clinic, at this session you can have the benefit of individual instruction from your teacher.

Pilates - Physiotherapy Dublin

A typical class of mine would start with moves and stretches to gently warm up the body. The main part of the class would focus on all body parts and incorporate moves such as bridges for lower back and legs, front lying swimming targeting all back muscles, side lying leg lifts focusing on abs and obliques and superman for full body. The 60-minute class would then finish with a relaxing cool down of gentle moves and stretches to lower the heart rate back down to normal.

There have been quite a few patients who started off in my beginner class and after learning all of the key elements of Pilates and having built a strong base, were able to progress to intermediate level. One patient in particular was struggling with lower back and hip pain while driving for long periods. I was able to help him during class by making sure he performed the moves correctly while engaging his core and within 4 or 5 classes he had no pain or discomfort while driving and could progress to intermediate.

We offer Pilates classes in Castleknock and Pilates classes in Blanchardstown.

For further information on our Pilates in Dublin 15 please see our website: Physio-LED Pilates Classes – Somerton Physiotherapy

To Book A One to One Pilates classes Session Click here

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions at all about our Pilates classes.  Follow us on our Facebook page and Instagram for updates.

Author: Lorna Tuite